15 errors of activity not recorded in UpRace 2024

These are the 15 errors in activity not recorded in UpRace 2024. Runners should read them carefully to avoid encountering these errors and having your achievements not recorded.

1) Incorrect sports type recorded An error occurs when the recorded activity does not match the type of sport for the event. Solution: Record the activity correctly based on the sport type of the event.

2) Manually created activities are not accepted An error occurs when activities are manually entered, including distance, time, speed, etc., using the Suunto software, and they are not accepted. Solution: Use the "Record Activity" feature on UpRace or use a Garmin watch, or utilize the "Record Activity" feature on Suunto.

3) Activity with invalid timing Errors occur in the following cases

  • The start time, end time, and upload time of the activity do not fall within the event duration.

  • The activity has a start time error. For example, the current server time is 9 AM, but the uploaded activity has a start time of 10 AM.

  • The timing of the activity is not in the correct order: start -> end -> upload.

4) The activity has an invalid distance An error occurs when the activity has a distance that is shorter than the minimum required distance or longer than the maximum allowed distance.

5) The activity has an invalid average speed An error occurs when the activity has an average speed that is outside the specified range from the slowest to the fastest speed.

6) The activity has an invalid split (1km) speed An error occurs in the "Official" event when any split (1km) of the activity has a speed faster than 1m30s/km. Even if the activity has a valid average speed, having a split faster than 2m20s/km will also be considered invalid.

7) The activity is not recorded because you have not joined this event An error occurs when you have not selected to participate in the event. This activity will not be counted in the event you have not joined.

8) The activity has overlapping time with another activity An error occurs when multiple activities are recorded with overlapping times using different software. Example: Runs with overlapping time recorded simultaneously on multiple applications will be counted as one run, with the following priority order: Dedicated running devices (including Garmin, Coros, Suunto, Apple Watch, Fitbit, POLAR) > UpRace.

9) The activity has overlapping time with another prioritized activity An error occurs when multiple activities are recorded with overlapping times using different software. Example: Recording an activity simultaneously with both a device and UpRace. In this case, the priority order for validating the valid activity will be Garmin, Coros, Suunto, Apple Watch, Fitbit, POLAR) > UpRace.

10) This error occurs due to a system error in recording the priority order An error occurs when the system fails to record the valid priority order correctly: Garmin, Coros, Suunto, Apple Watch, Fitbit, POLAR) > UpRace.

11) The activity is removed by the Administration Board The activity is deemed invalid because the Administration Board has detected misconduct or cheating in this activity. Alternatively, the user may be on the event's banned list.

12) The activity is edited by the Administration Board, rendering it invalid An error occurred due to the intervention of the Administration Board in this activity. The Administration Board may have modified the parameters of the activity, making it no longer valid.

13) The activity is not synchronized with the system on the double result day An error occurs when an activity recorded on the bonus day (double day) is not uploaded on the same day. For example, a valid activity was recorded with a Garmin device on Sunday but uploaded to the UpRace system on Monday morning, resulting in the activity not being recognized.

14) The activity is removed due to cheating using software An error occurs when the activity is generated using software that produces fake running results.

15) This activity is not set to public mode An error occurs when the activity is not set to public mode. To resolve this, select "Edit activity" -> "Who can see your activity" -> "Everyone." Note: The privacy settings must be successfully changed to public within 72 hours from the time of recording the activity.

Last updated