The individual competition in UpRace

The individual competition in UpRace

1. Recording an activity

UpRacers can record their performance using various methods, including:

+ UpRace App: Participants can use the built-in RECORD function of the UpRace mobile application to directly track and record their running sessions.

+ GPS-enabled Smartwatches and Fitness Trackers: Athletes can utilize GPS-enabled devices like Garmin, Coros, Suunto, Apple Watch, Fitbit, Polar.

2. The criteria for a valid race

Valid race: is counted when committing the following conditions:

● Recorded as completed and displayed on the runner' s UpRace account within 72 hours from the activity's start time and no later than the last day of the event.

● Express the map clearly with no sign of critical errors due to the error of catching GPS signal of mobile devices. The activities which are imported manual results, either shared by others, or recorded for different accounts will not be validated. In case of running on treadmills, the result must be recorded by fitness tracker or smart watch like Garmin, which is able to synchronize with UpRace.

● Activities that are duplicated by recording from multiple devices at a same time will be counted as one activity. The priority order of activity’s source will be: (Garmin, Coros, Suunto, Apple Watch, Fitbit, Polar…) > UpRace.

● There is a minimum distance of 1km. There is an unlimited maximum limit. Runners are allowed to pause the activity while running with the purpose of short break.

● Maximum Average Moving Pace is 4:00 minutes/km and minimum is 15:00 minutes/km, which are calculated by the number of minutes to complete 01 km. Split pace of each 1 km must not be faster than 3:30 minutes/km.

● Races that take place on Sundays during the event period must be completed (before 24:00) on that day and double-results will be counted on the achievement of that day.

3. How about "active days"?

Active days: are the dates of at least one valid run according to the above rule.

In UpRace 2024, for each athlete to be certified as having completed the UpRace 2024 competition, they must have a minimum of 12 (twelve) valid running days and cover a minimum distance of 60km. These criteria ensure that participants have actively engaged in the event and achieved a significant level of participation.

4. Double-day during UpRace 2024 event?

Double-day: includes Sundays during the event period.

5. How to complete the contest?

A runner will be certified to complete the contest when both of the following conditions are reached:

● Must achieve a minimum number of 12 valid days

● Must achieve a minimum distance of 60km (including double achievement on Sundays and on special day 10/10/2024).

*Note: For runners who do not complete the contest (minimum number of 12 valid days and minimum distance of 60km), the completed kilometers are still contributed to the team and fundraised by the sponsor to a social organization.

6. Can I use a treadmill to track my competition performance?

In the case of running on a treadmill, you would need specialized devices to track your performance, including a performance tracking device like a smartwatch or fitness tracker (e.g., Garmin) along with a speed sensor/foot pod attached to your shoe that is connected to the device. These devices work together to accurately measure your speed, distance, and other relevant metrics while running on a treadmill.

7. How is the performance calculated for each running day?

The achievement will be counted on the day when activity starts.

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